Eline Jongsma

Eline Jongsma (1991) got her BA in Scandinavian languages and culture at the University of Groningen (2015), cum laude. She also studied classical song at conservatory. From 2008 to 2013 she played an active role as playwright and actor in a youth theatre company based in Groningen.

Eline is currently studying for her MA in Literary Translation at the University of Utrecht. She works on a translation of a Swedish collection of short stories which will appear next year at publishing house Wilde Aardbeien, in Groningen. For SVIN, the Scandinavian Translation Agency in Groningen, she gives courses in Swedish on a regular basis; and for Wilde Aardbeien she edits translations from Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. In June 2016, Eline was awarded one of two annual grants for the most talented MA-students of literary translation by the Dutch Literary Fund. Eline translates from Swedish, Norwegian and English into Dutch.