Rodrigo de Roure is een jonge Braziliaanse auteur en scenarioschrijver uit Rio de Janeiro. Hij schreef o.a. Mevrouw Ding, De laatste dagen van Gilda en Dancing Eldorado.
- Histórias de Jilú (Jilu’s Stories), 2012;
- Os Últimos Dias de Gilda (The Last Days of Gilda), translated to English, French and Deutsch, and staged in Paris, London and at Endimburg’s Festival in 2011;
- Senhora Coisa (Ms. Thing);
- Dancing Eldorado (2007);
- Preguiça (Lazy), 2004;
- Preâmbulo de uma carta de adeus (Preamble to a Farewell Letter);
- Muitos Anos de Vida (Many Years in the Life);
- As Impostoras (The Pretenders).
He adapted the books
- Capitães da Areia (Captais of the Sands) and
- Andorinha Sinhá (Little Bird Sinhá) to the project A truck to Jorge Amado, in honor to the great Brazilian writer.
At TV, currently, he signs the script of TV show Penetra! for Playboy channel. He signed the script of TV show Basico for Multishow Channel in 2008.
The Last Days of Gilda will be turned in a movie in 2012.