The Beloved - Kristofer Grønskag

David is taken in for questioning, by the policewoman Katherine. He is the main suspect in the disappearance of a little girl. Through their conversation we get to see an outline of David's life, Katherine's theories, and important events concerning the disappearance. The Beloved is a play that dives into both heaviness and playfulness. Two persons take hold of each other's thoughts, and inhabit them.

  • Kleine Bezetting (2-4)
  • Toneeltekst (groen)
  • Other language (paars)
  • Relatiedrama
  • Absurdisme, surrealisme
  • Tragi-komedie

Kristofer Grønskag

Kristofer Grønskag (Noorwegen) heeft meer dan 20 toneelstukken geschreven en bewerkt, zowel voor kinderen en volwassenen. Zijn werk is vertaald in verschillende talen. In 2012 won zijn toneelstuk De Beminde, in de vertaling van Gerardjan Rijnders, de Amsterdam Fringe Bronze Award.

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