ME AND MINE HORSIE - Johanne Fridahl Willman

A Danish folklore says that if you hear a three-legged horse, you should close your eyes. The hel-horse, hel-hesten, might be nearby.. In ME AND MINE HORSIE, a woman is removing herself from society in order to survive in the world and in the skin she has. By wilderness survival technique she kills a horse, which starts an almost mythical journey, about skin, shapeshifting and finding your true self. Because in order to live one needs to stop surviving. Dit toneelstuk is in het Engels geschreven, met een paar Nederlandse en Deense woorden.
ME AND MINE HORSIE is a play written and directed by Johanne Fridahl Willman
Performing and voice acting: Caroline Rosenkrantz Charef
The scenography and light design is developed with Sofia Füglister
Music: Johanne and others.
Music editing: edited by Marc Breidfjord.
Mentors: Quirine Racké and Helena Muskens.

  • Monoloog
  • Toneeltekst (groen)
  • Other language (paars)
  • Egodocumenten
  • Maatschappijkritiek
  • Coming of age
  • Poëtisch
  • Coming of age
  • (Auto)biografie
  • Vrouwelijke schrijvers

Johanne Fridahl Willman

Johanne Fridahl Willman studies theatre directing at Amsterdam Academy of Theatre and Dance. She has a bachelor degree from Theatre and performance and was a part of "Dramatiker Væksthus 2021-2023" which is a playwright education supported by the danish association of arts and the danish union for playwrights. Willman is the cofounder of Theatre I DER, which is a danish independent theatre group in where she has written and directed from 2020. Willman often writes with a sense of magical realism.

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