God Waits at the Station [first scene] - Maya Arad Yasur

God Waits at the Station is a kaleidoscope of fragmented testimonies; "She was pregnant", says the soldier who allowed the suicide bomber to pass through the checkpoint, thus enabling the death of thirty innocent people. "She was not pregnant", determines the Israeli security agent who was present during the autopsy. Did the taxi driver who drove her become part of a terror attack against his will, or was he a knowing and calculated accomplice? And how do we end the cycle of death if even a pregnant woman is a possible suspect?

  • Toneeltekst (groen)
  • Toneeltekst vertaald (oranje)
  • Other language (paars)
  • Maatschappijkritiek
  • Verlies, rouw en ouderdom
  • Documentair theater
  • Vrouwelijke schrijvers
  • Schrijvers van kleur

Maya Arad Yasur

Maya Arad Yasur (1976) is an Israeli playwright and dramaturge. She holds a Master’s degree in Dramaturgy from the University of Amsterdam. She has been working as a dramaturge in the Netherlands and Israel, specializing in devised theatre and documentary theatre. Her plays have been staged and read in various theatres in Israel, Germany, Austria, Norway and the U.S. Her play Amsterdam is the winner of the Berliner Theatertreffen Stückemarkt 2018.

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