Clay (en) - Marijke Schermer
Dora's great love left her suddenly ten years ago. With him she had a symbiotic relationship, based on mutual dependence and perfectly violently as that of the murderous couple in the film Natural Born Killers. Since the devorce she has stopped time: Dora bought a house in an area where as little as possible happens. Here she lives together with Titus and her daughter. On the day the piece begins, Vink calls, the long-lost love.
- L89
- 2001
- EN
- Nu lezen
Opvoergegevens: Toneelgroep Alaska
- Grote Bezetting (> 4)
- Toneeltekst (groen)
- Other language (paars)
- Familie
- Liefde en seksualiteit
- Verlies, rouw en ouderdom
- Relatiedrama
- Vrouwelijke schrijvers